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147 testimonies found related to finance
Created by Cristian
On May-21-2013
Finance testimonial
Zero Debt in Eighteen Months
Bud’s good business went bad and each month was dragging them down – further into debt. They went from owing $126,000 to debt-free and a doubled salary. You can get debt free too. ...

Created by Cristian
On Nov-01-2011
Finance testimonial
You Can t Outgive God
John and Colleen Deeaz are about to learn an important lesson about finances, faith and God's provision. ...

Created by Cristian
On Oct-31-2011
Finance testimonial
Why The McLean’s Never Stopped Giving to God
When the recession hit, Steve and Cindy McLean exhausted all of their financial reserves to stay afloat, but they never stopped tithing....

Created by Cristian
On Oct-28-2011
Finance testimonial
When Your Lowest Point Becomes a Turning Point
Neal Hammitt called on God and took a step of faith. God answered with a successful business and a miracle home....

Created by Cristian
On Oct-31-2011
Finance testimonial
When Your Financial Future Seems Impossible
This single mom found a way to make an uncertain income meet all her needs. Do you have a financial need? Find out what changed Stacy's situation....

Created by Cristian
On May-21-2013
Finance testimonial
When You Need a Financial Breakthrough
The tough economy was killing Ricky and Winna Bibbs' trucking business. Discover the bold step they took that turned their dying business into a thriving one....

Created by Cristian
On Oct-28-2011
Finance testimonial
When Success Turns to Failure
Jim's successful life hit the skids. Then he found a key to living that led him in a new direction. ...

Created by Cristian
On May-21-2013
Finance testimonial
When Money is Tight
When Scott and a business partner "bootstrapped" their business, finances were tight. Struggling for three years with barely any income, Scott finally discovered what he needed to do. ...

Created by Cristian
On May-21-2013
Finance testimonial
When Money Divides, God Unifies
The different approaches to handling the family's finances drove Steve and Leandra apart, but God was able to bring them back together....

Created by Cristian
On Oct-31-2011
Finance testimonial
When Life Doesn t Compute
Cary went from corporate executive to unemployed in the blink of an eye when his dot-com start-up company went under....

Created by Cristian
On Nov-04-2013
Finance testimonial
When Jesus Tells You To Pay Off His House
Bill did not manage his money well and barely had any equity in his house after 13 years. Then one day Bill says he received a unique message from Jesus that turned his finances upside down and made h...

Created by Cristian
On Nov-01-2011
Finance testimonial
When Hard Work is Not Enough
Joe Lombardo thought hard work was all he needed to make his business successful, but he was missing one key ingredient....

Created by Cristian
On Nov-13-2013
Finance testimonial
When God Gives You An Upgrade
From scavenging for food to taking any job around, Todd and Dana knew what it was to hit bottom. But when they began to obey the laws of financial blessing, they prospered more than they even dreamed....

Related testimonies
Created by Cristian
On Oct-20-2011
Bruce Van Natta. Saved by Angels
He was pinned under a massive logging truck. Bruce was certain he would die until the miraculous happened....
She lived and breathed ballet to the point where she starved herself to be thin. See what happened when God led Lori in the dance for her life....
Created by Cristian
On Oct-26-2013
The Healing Of Mike Johns
Mike had a very painful urinary tract infection. While he was watching the show, Pat had a word of knowledge about Mike’s condition and he was healed instantly....
Biker Billy Rivers rode the motorcycle gang lifestyle all the way to prison. It was there that he began to question the love he saw from Christians....
God Delivers Singer Ashley Cleveland From Addiction...
Created by Cristian
On Oct-13-2011
Surviving a 47-Day Coma
Tim O'Connor felt numb after a nurse handed him his wife's severed wedding rings, cut from her swollen fingers. Doctors had abandoned all hope for Lindsey, and Tim had even signed a do not resuscitate order. But then the power of prayer ignited a mir...
Created by Cristian
On Nov-20-2011
A Second Chance at Love
When Penny walked out on Clint and moved in with another woman, Clint lost hope of ever seeing his wife again. But God had other plans......
Created by Cristian
On Oct-19-2011
Thomas Burgess. Run Over by Dad
Thomas Burgess was playing with his brother in front of his dad's 4-ton truck. His dad never saw him when he went to move the truck and ran him over. ...




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