The most powerful christian testimonies
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50 testimonies found related to En Vida Dura, Iván Cruz, un famoso cantante peruano ve su vida destruirse, vean lo que Dios hizo
Created by Cristian
On Jan-12-2013
Conversion testimony
En Vida Dura, una mujer busca escapar del dolor de un fracaso conyugal, abandonando a sus hijos.

Created by Cristian
On Jan-13-2013
Conversion testimony
En Vida Dura, una jovencita trata de llenar un vacío de afecto con alcohol y casi destruye su vida

Created by Cristian
On Jan-01-2013
Conversion testimony
En Vida Dura, una joven que creció en un hogar disfuncional, con un padre alcohólico y violento

Created by Cristian
On Jan-15-2013
Conversion testimony
En Vida Dura, un niño se enfrenta con la Distrofia Muscular y logra exito en la vida
En Vida Dura veamos; como un niño se enfrenta con la incapacidad de sufrir Distrofia Muscular y logra exito en la vida. También, una niña maltratada se convirtió en una peligrosa delicuente....

Created by Cristian
On Jan-12-2013
Conversion testimony
En Vida Dura, un joven y talentoso cantante, se sumerge en la drogadicción, y lo pierde todo

Created by Cristian
On Jan-13-2013
Conversion testimony
En Vida Dura, un joven que se enredó en un peligroso negocio y no sabía como escapar de el

Created by Cristian
On Jan-28-2011
Conversion testimony
En Vida dura, un joven inseguro y revelde se refugia en el mundo de la calle.
Siendo maltratado fisicamente en su casa desde niño, cuando creció quizo la venganza y tras una gran tragedia clamó a Dios. Veamos como Dios transformo su vida...

Created by Cristian
On Jan-12-2013
Conversion testimony
En Vida Dura, un joven es terriblemente abusado cuando niño y crece presa de una crisis de identidad

Created by Cristian
On Jan-12-2013
Conversion testimony
En Vida Dura, un joven abandona su turbulento hogar para refugiarse en las calles

Created by Cristian
On Jan-13-2013
Conversion testimony
En Vida Dura, un joven abandona su hogar, donde fue víctima de maltratos y violencia

Created by Cristian
On Jan-15-2013
Conversion testimony
En Vida Dura, un hombre que decidió cambiar su negocio por otro que, pensó, sería más lucrativo
En Vida Dura, la historia de un hombre que decidió cambiar su negocio por otro que, pensó, sería más lucrativo. Por su ambición, terminó como narcotraficante, huyendo del país....

Created by Cristian
On Jan-13-2013
Conversion testimony
En Vida Dura, un hombre cae víctima de serias adicciones y casi destruye su hogar

Created by Cristian
On Jan-15-2013
Conversion testimony
En Vida Dura, Tercio D'Costa, quien nació con innumerables problemas de salud

Related testimonies
Created by Cristian
On Oct-27-2011
Kent Bryant: A Bad Boy Finds God
From hoop dreams to hip hop, Kent Bryant had it all. But the void he felt inside had him thinking about suicide....
He came to Christ after a car accident changed his life. See his amazing testimony of God's restoration power. ...
Created by Cristian
On May-21-2013
Debt-Free and Staying that Way
Tom and Donna paid off $36,000 in debt and bought a new home. Which of their steps can you put into practice?...
Kevin embezzled thousands from his job and then paid off the mob to keep it a secret, but when his past caught up to him he came clean with God while behind bars....
Her father was openly gay and emotionally unavailable. Dawn needed the kind of love that would never abandon her... The Christian Broadcasting Network ...
Created by Cristian
On Jul-08-2013
Saved By Attempted Murder
Bars, drugs and motorcycle gangs summed up Bear's existence until his wife tried to kill him....
Regi Harris had a promising future in basketball with a full-ride scholarship to Sam Houston State. He wound up in prison and now ministers to young athletes....
Encounter with God A routine operation goes horribly wrong, and Jeffrey knows that he is dying. Hear him describe his conversation with his loving heavenly Father....
Created by Cristian
On Nov-01-2011
Fariborz Testimony
As a young boy, Fairoborz grew up ina changing Iran. By the late 1970's, he had witnessed both political and religious upheaval. But it wasn't the revolution that troubled this bright 8 year old boy - but the growing doubts that were beginning to fil...




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