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328 testimonies found related to Testimonio de Angeles que protegen
Created by Cristian
On Feb-25-2011
Conversion testimony
(1/4) TESTIMONIO de Iván Ortiz Paz. Ex drogadicto/delincuente

Created by Cristian
On Feb-02-2015
Conversion testimony
- Increíble testimonio de resurrección -"Después de estar 7 Hs muerto, resucito"
Este varón llamado Raúl fue resucitado luego de haber estado siete horas muerto por causa de un accidente. Durante el periodo en el que estuvo muerto tuvo una experiencia con Jesús mismo! Mira el...

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World champion power lifter Jonathan Bernor talks about living in victory over addiction and illness....
Created by Cristian
On Oct-25-2011
Ray Hayworth: Cancer Cast Out
Ray had a cancerous lump in his throat and his wife, Billie, prayed with authority in Christ, shouting at Satan to get off of Ray's neck. ...
The amazing story of Davey Falcus also know as Tams, a notorious North East England Gangster who had an encounter with Jesus Christ that totally transformed ... all » him from a Dangerous villain to a gentle giant. Today he's travels the world telli...
Created by Cristian
On May-20-2013
Choosing a Life Without Drugs
Jim kept his substance abuse going in the face of death until a night on the frigid streets sobered him up. ...
They were trapped in the flood that ravaged Nashville, TN. See their dramatic rescue and witness how prayer helped them stay afloat....
Created by Cristian
On Oct-31-2011
When Life Doesn t Compute
Cary went from corporate executive to unemployed in the blink of an eye when his dot-com start-up company went under....
He was a strung-out junkie who thought that no one would ever love him. Brian Williams was about to meet the One who could....
Lance Foreman was the product of a broken home. He spent most of his time on the street dealing drugs. It was a road that lead to a dead end and left him nowhere to go but up...
We've all seen women like this young woman. Out there on the streets doing her thing. But did we know that something as simple to give as a smile could change someone's entire life around and bring them to Jesus Christ? Imagine what he could do thro...




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