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75 testimonies found related to En vida dura un joven recibe un mal ejemplo de su padre y se convierte en un peligroso criminal
Created by Cristian
On Jan-15-2013
Conversion testimony
En Vida Dura, Carmen Galindo, pierde a su madre y es abusada y cae en un terrible ciclo de depresion

Created by Cristian
On Jan-15-2013
Conversion testimony
En vida dura una mujer busca en relaciones equivocadas el amor que le faltó en su infancia

Created by Cristian
On Dec-06-2013
Conversion testimony
En vida dura un joven recibe un mal ejemplo de su padre y se convierte en un peligroso criminal
En Vida Dura: Un joven recibe un mal ejemplo de su padre y termina en las calles convertido en criminal. También, a una jovencita se le promete el cielo pero lo que recibe es un verdadero infierno....

Created by Cristian
On Mar-08-2013
Conversion testimony
En vida dura la dramática historia de un joven atrapado por el vicio del alcohol

Created by Cristian
On Jan-15-2013
Conversion testimony
En Vida Dura Graciela Romero y Aldo Arraya , dos personas que tocaron fondo y fueron restauradas

Created by Cristian
On Jan-15-2013
Conversion testimony
En Vida Dura el ambiente donde un joven vivia influye para convertirlo en un peligroso delincuente

Created by Cristian
On Mar-08-2013
Conversion testimony
En Vida Dura Eddie Morales quien quedó imposibilitado de por vida luego de ser atacado por pandillas

Created by Cristian
On Jan-15-2013
Conversion testimony
En Vida Dura conozca como afectan el futuro de los niños, los abusos constantes sufridos en la niñez

Created by Cristian
On Feb-17-2012
Conversion testimony
Como un niño se enfrenta con la incapacidad de sufrir Distrofia. Vida Dura #294
Como un niño se enfrenta con la incapacidad de sufrir Distrofia Muscular y logra exito en la vida. También, una niña maltratada se convirtió en una peligrosa delicuente. ...

Created by Cristian
On Feb-17-2012
Conversion testimony
Como el flagelo de las drogas afectó a una familia Peruana. Vida Dura #295
Como el flagelo de las drogas afectó a una familia Peruana, convirtiendo este hogar en un verdadero infierno, y la mayoria de sus miembros entraron en adicción compulsiva. ...

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“I was so –I was so junked up with chemicals, man, that I didn’t know what feelings was.” Says Houston Jared, “Dope told me when to go to sleep. Alcohol told me when to go to bed. Alcohol told me when to wake up. Drugs told me when to steal...
Given up for adoption at only 3 weeks, Nate always struggled with the thought that he was abandoned by his birth mother. His insecurities eventually snowballed until Nate met Christ....
Created by Cristian
On Jan-25-2012
David's Dark Secret
David was a Christian and pursuing a calling to the ministry, but he had a secret addiction to pornography that had shackled him since childhood....
A life of sexual abuse and prostitution left Ateba dead inside. Jesus was the only one who could open her heart...
The stubborn demon inside this woman is forced to leave when the Anointing Water is ministered to her in Jesus' name at SCOAN London...
Created by Cristian
On Jul-08-2013
A Wandering Heart
Tim allowed porn addiction to escalate to adultery. When his wife Stephanie found out about the infidelity the couple had to decide how they would move forward in their marriage....
The wheels were coming off of Eddie's self-indulgent life, but he didn't know a way out. Then one day a friend of a friend crossed his path....
The pain of repressed childhood abuse surfaced when Kim was a young married mother, resulting in danger for her family....




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