A Compilation of Amazing Stories from different Christians. #1 Kamal, a Muslim fighting Jihad against America is Changed by Jesus Christ. #2 The Salvation of Guy Iannello, from Drug dealer to Christ. #3 Jeff Harshbarger, from satanism to salvation. #...
A horrific car accident leads to a miraculous encounter after the driver of an SUV ran into a music store where 4-year-old Elise was sitting playing the drums. Jesus Himself picked her up and moved her to safety....
In September 1996, Hurricane Fran slammed into the Carolinas. In the storm’s aftermath, Georgia Power worker, Rick Moncrief, was assigned to clear downed power lines in North Carolina. He was on a rooftop trying to pull a line from under a fallen t...
When Roy Davidson's stomach ulcers caused him severe pain while he was on a mission trip to Haiti, Roy had to decide whether he could trust God to heal him through Spirit-filled men he barely knew....
Michael Thornton became a male prostitute to pay for his drug addiction. But beyond the pain and the shame, he found a Love who could truly redeem him. See his testimony and how Jesus Christ saved his life from cocaine, suicide, drugs and depression...
No one believed her when she was molested as a child. Then, the same thing happened again as an adult when Cheryl Duly was raped. She used alcohol to numb the pain and the anger....
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