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4 testimonies found related to A Near Death Experience Leads to God -- Testimony --
Created by Cristian
On Oct-27-2011
Conversion testimony
Paul Janssen: Near Death and Nearer to God
He came to Christ after a car accident changed his life. See his amazing testimony of God's restoration power. ...

Created by Cristian
On Jan-25-2013
Conversion testimony
Man Sees Satan In Hell After He Died Of A Drug Overdose! ( Near Death Experience )

Created by Cristian
On Jan-25-2013
Conversion testimony
Lawyer Flabberghasted After Undergoing A Near Death Experience! .

Created by Cristian
On Nov-20-2011
Healing testimony
A Near Death Experience Leads to God -- Testimony --
After being caught in the crossfire of a gunfight, a man has a life changing experience. Following a miraculous recovery, Matthew knew that God had a plan for him....

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Created by Cristian
On Nov-20-2011
Dinah Cristina Amane - Testimony
March 18, 2009, I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer, Stage 2B. I crossed over the realm of uncertainty & anguish when CANCER was pronounced on me. It never crossed my mind that I would be a part of CANCER statistics. I feel renewed and rejuvenated in...
Created by Cristian
On Oct-19-2013
Finding God's Perfect Image
Katie struggled with her body image since childhood, believing lies that she was overweight. She took a journey down a very destructive path from diet pills to starvation to binging/purging....
Dolly was living in London and began working in film. She became a drug addict and had no where to turn. One day Jesus overcame her with His love, and she has never been the same....
Created by Cristian
On Oct-12-2011
Toby Wager. The Wake-Up Call
Created by Cristian
On Oct-22-2011
Jennifer Mallan. Chasing Perfection
Jennifer Mallan was obsessed with being perfect. She had to be the smartest, the prettiest -- the girl who had it all together. However, in the midst of building this image of herself, she was falling apart inside. Read about her journey towards acce...
Washington Redskins linebacker London Fletcher shares with CBN Sports how he finally accepted God's direction for his life and the impact that has had on his NFL career....
Created by Cristian
On Feb-14-2011
A Supernatural Migraine Remedy
Nina's migraines grew worse over time, but they were no match for the power of God....
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On May-21-2013
Is There Enough Joy in Your Life?
Joe and Dian have a business they love and a life filled with joy. This didn’t happen by chance... ...
Created by Cristian
On Nov-20-2011
God s Healing Touch
His doctor said he needed to continue cancer treatment or he'd die. Charles believed God wanted to do a miracle....
In September 1996, Hurricane Fran slammed into the Carolinas. In the storm’s aftermath, Georgia Power worker, Rick Moncrief, was assigned to clear downed power lines in North Carolina. He was on a rooftop trying to pull a line from under a fallen t...




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