A Near Death Experience Leads to God -- Testimony --
After being caught in the crossfire of a gunfight, a man has a life changing experience. Following a miraculous recovery, Matthew knew that God had a plan for him.
Josh's family were immigrants from Puerto Rico to the U.S. His father turned to heroine and Josh took to the streets. Later, Josh realized his hardened heart towards his father was feeding his emptiness and he needed to change....
Ginger Howell started casting spells and reading tarot cards in her quest for protection and peace in her teen years. She had a few dark and scary encounters before she found true peace. ...
Former NFL star Alexander Wright reveals a history of physical abuse from his childhood that he carried into his own marriage. He and his wife eventually accepted Christ, but he still struggled for years to find freedom from his abusive past.
Cada una de las personas que aparecen en el video, pudieron experimentar un cambio en sus vidas y dan testionio del mismo.Por cualquier consulta escribanos en www.catedraldelosmilagros.com
Facebook.com/ Catedral de los Milagros de Hurlingham...